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Flesh and Blood TCG - Bright Lights Booster

Regular price
RM 20.00
Sale price
RM 20.00
Regular price
RM 20.00
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Authentic product | MY HOBBY
Authentic product

Bright Lights takes Flesh and Blood game play to new frontiers of innovation, with the first ever equipment that start the game in the deck. It also introduces a new and simple way to play Flesh and Blood; 3-Pack Crack, Shuffle, Play.

Bright Lights introduces the Expansion Slot, a new feature starting with Bright Lights that offers new content to support a range of heroes outside those featured in the product itself. There are 15 Expansion cards in Bright Lights that feature approximately 1 per 15 packs.

Bright Lights introduces 3 new hero's, one of which is a newly imagined version of fan favorite; Dash!

Dash I/O

Maxx 'The Hype' Nitro

Teklovossen, Esteemed Magnate

The Bright Lights booster set contains a total of 251 cards, with the following configuration and estimated rarity breakdown:

1 Fabled (1 per ??? packs)

7 Legendary (1 per 70 packs)

46 Majestic (1 per 4 packs)

56 Rare (1.68 per pack)

129 Common (11 per pack)

12 Token (1.8~ per pack)

Premium Foil (1 per pack)

Cold Foil (1 per 24 packs)

9 Marvels (1 per ??? packs)